We are not talking about sustainability. We take care of it concretely

We focus on helping companies to implement real (non-formal) improvement plans aimed to reduce the global environmental impacts of their processes and products, in the standpoint of their whole life cycle (from cradle to grave), accelerating the process towards carbon footprint values close to zero.

We support the companies with structured improvement plans to:

  • Efficient production processes in order to minimize the use of all natural resources (water, energy, gas, minerals, etc..) also throught the use of innovative technological solutions;
  • Reorganize the supply chain and/or the usage phase of products in order to minimize the impacts, always ensuring economic sustainability;
  • Introduce circular economy solutions in the flows of materials and services (from cradle to cradle)
  • Benchmark the industry best practices.

All our plans are good for the environmental and – at the same time – improve the company’s economic results, in the awareness that there can’t be environmental sustainibility without economic sustainibility.

We also support companies in implementation phase of the actions (also thought our technological partners) and in “scientifically” measuring the results actually achieved, comparing them with what was foreseen in the planning phase of the interventions.

We are so sure of the real contribution that we are able to offer that we link an important part of our remuneration to the actual achievements: in other words, if the global impact reduction is not achieved, you can cut our agreed remunaration!

Our team is made up of environmental engineers, industrial engineers, technicians, university researchers, HSE experts, chemists, agronomists and biologists (as well as a rich network of partner companies), and is able to work with professionalism and ideas at avant-garde in industrial realities of the most diversified sectors (automotive, mechanical, oil & gas, pharma, food, agricultural, textile, heavy industries, etc), for small, medium and large companies.

Please put us to the test by talking us about your sustainability challenge by writing to info@consulting-trading.com or by calling to +39 (0)121 376811.